REGULAR MEETING – JUNE 9, 2020 – 7:30 PM




The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Supervisor Slucter with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Present:  Slucter, Rumsey, Fritts, Myers, Piper, Pray and Fabijancic

Absent:  None


Piper moved and Fabijancic seconded to approve the agenda as written. Carried 7-0.


Piper moved and Fabijancic seconded to approve the Consent Agenda.  Carried 7-0.


General Fund consisting of Voucher #32890through Voucher #32928 equaling: $302,080.04 plus digital transfers and payments of $18,336.92 making a Grand Total of $320,416.96. 


Payroll Report consisting of Voucher #41793 through #41809 equaling: $4,873.64 plus direct deposits of $36,343.92 making a Grand Total of $41,217.56. 




     Sheriff’s Report:  Deputy Holliday reported on incidents in the township.


     Planning Commission:  There is a Special Use Permit renewal and a public hearing to be set for a rezoning request on the agenda for tomorrow.


     Sewer Board:  Scheduled to meet June 18th, due to lack of agenda items, maybe cancelled.


     Emergency Service Department:  Chief Miller reported Firefighter/Special Services member Raymond Murray passed away Saturday.  We have been working with the family to honor Ray’s wishes to give him the “firefighter’s funeral” he had requested.  The funeral is going to be a small event with a larger event in a month or two after more restrictions are released.


     Assessor/Preston Community Services:  The July Board of Review could be opened up to assessment appeals.  It shouldn’t affect our township, as we had everything wrapped up, but we will have to see what the State decides.


    Supervisor’s Report:  1) The township attorney is sending out notices in regards to the dangerous building ordinance on the burned house located at 10652 Jolly Road.  The hearing officer has been notified and ready to proceed.  2) Have received several complaints on discharging of firearms in residential areas. Requesting the Public Safety Committee look into this issue.  3)  Still working on a few issues on Valley Trail.


Public Officials:  None


     Other Reports & Announcements:   

Clerk Rumsey reported the current accounting software provider will be discontinuing payroll support at the end of this year. In order to keep all aspects of the accounting software integrated, it has become necessary to look for another company to provide governmental accounting software.  After weighing pros and cons of quotes received, a recommendation was made.   Piper moved and Rumsey seconded to engage BS&A Software for accounting software.  Carried 7-0.


Hear Public Present for Agenda Items:  None


Unfinished Business:  

Matt Jankoviak updated the Board on the 9995 Billwood House.  Been trying to meet with and hire a contractor to finish the outside of house.  He will contact Supervisor Slucter with a schedule as soon as he meets with the contractor.  Supervisor Slucter offered to provide Matt with name of a backup contractor.


Revisions were made to the township and emergency services COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plans by the appointed committee.  After some discussion, Slucter moved and Myers seconded to adopt the Windsor Charter Township COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan as offered by committee.  Carried 7-0.  Slucter moved and Pray seconded to adopt Windsor Township Emergency Services COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan as offered by committee with the authority given to Chief Miller to amend plan as needed and report such amendments to Township Board at regular meetings.  Carried 7-0.  


New Business:

Green Peak Industries submitted application for renewal of Medical Marijuana and new Adult-Use Marijuana Class C Grower Facility and Processor Facility permits.  Discussion was held on whether future expansion was going to happen and if not, the fire lane access road needed to be addressed soon.     Carbon filters as well as exploring other options for odor mitigation was discussed.  Rumsey moved and Myers seconded to approve the renewal of eight (8) Class C Grower and one (1) Processor Facility Medical Marijuana Permits as well as the new five (5) Class C Grower and one (1) Processor Facility Adult-Use Marijuana Permits for Green Peak Industries.  Carried 7-0.


Discussion was held on Site Plan Review fees and guidelines.  An issue has been brought forward concerning multiple site plan reviews on a facility that keep making changes after the Planning Commission’s final approval.  As this hasn’t occurred before, a committee was formed to decide on enforcement of additional plan review fees going forward.


Hear Public Present on any subject: 

Inquiry was made on Creyts Road paving.  Supervisor Slucter responded that according to Eaton County Road Commission, since it wasn’t completed last year as originally planned, it is on the schedule to be done this summer.


With no further business Supervisor Slucter adjourned the meeting at 8:32 pm.



                                                                                    Lisa A. Rumsey

                                                                                    Windsor Charter Township Clerk