136 N. Bridge Street, Dimondale, MI  48821

January 21, 2021  

7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order by Chairperson Ammarman

Roll Call

Present:  Ammarman, Bogi (arrived 7:04 p.m.), Reznick, Roesner, Slucter (arrived 7:02 p.m.)

Absent:  none 

Also Present:  James Gallagher, Village Manager; Greg Hughes, WWTP Operator; Betsy Kelly, Recording Secretary.

Treasurer’s Reports/Bills

The December 17, 2020 and January 21, 2021 Treasurer’s Reports were recorded as presented.  Motion by Reznick, second Roesner, to approve payment of $28,325.15 in bills and transfers for December 17, 2020.  Roll call vote:  Yes:  Ammarman, Reznick, Roesner, Slucter; No: none; Absent:  Bogi.  Motion carried.  Motion by Reznick, second Roesner, to approve payment of

$32,933.65 in bills and transfers for January 21, 2021.  Roll call vote:  Yes:  Ammarman, Bogi, Reznick, Roesner, Slucter; No:  none; Absent:  none.  Motion carried.   Motion carried.  


Motion by Reznick, second Roesner, to approve the minutes of the November 19, 2020 regular

meeting as presented.  Roll call vote:  Yes:  Ammarman, Bogi, Reznick, Roesner, Slucter; No:  none; Absent:  none.  Motion carried.    


Hughes reported on completion of SCADA upgrades, piping repairs from the decant storage, rehab on the chemical feed system and acquiring polymer testing services.  

There was no additional Village report.

Slucter provided a Township report.

Open to the Public

No comments were received.

Old Business    

1.  Gallagher presented the revised rate study requested by the Board noting that placing the data in the old program versus the new did not reveal any obvious errors.  Gallagher stated that he has solicited a bid from Wolverine Engineers for an Asset Management Plan.  Discussion followed regarding delaying a rate increase until after the plan data is available.  Ammarman questioned the time frame for completion of the Asset Management Plan and Gallagher noted that it will be done in time to incorporate data into the next rate study and budget. 2.  Gallagher presented the 2021-22 final draft budget.  Motion by Reznick, second Bogi, to forward a recommendation for approval to the Dimondale Village Council and the Windsor Charter Township Board.  Roll call Vote:  Yes:  Ammarman, Bogi, Reznick, Roesner, Slucter; No: 

none; Absent:  none.  Motion carried.                            

New Business    

1.  Ammarman initiated discussion on new construction at the industrial sites and questioned how many permits have been issued to date.  Hughes replied that two applications have been received but no permits have been issued.  Discussion followed regarding pending developments and Ammarman noted that Hughes needs to be part of the process as it unfolds.  


With no additional business, Ammarman adjourned the meeting at 7:34 p.m.