136 N. Bridge Street, Dimondale, Ml 48821

January 16, 2020


7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order by Chairperson Ammarman

Roll Call

Present: Ammarman, Bagi, Reznick, Roesner, Slucter Absent: none

Also Present: James Gallagher, Village Manager; Greg Hughes, WWTP Operator; Betsy Kelly, Recording Secretary.

Treasurer's Reports/Bills

The December 19, 2019 and January 16, 2020 Treasurer's Reports were recorded as presented. Motion by Reznick, second Slucter, to approve payment of $23,983.45 in bills and transfers for December 19, 2019. Motion carried. Motion by Reznick, second Roesner, to approve payment of $29,984.43 in bills and transfers for January 16, 2020. Motion carried.


Motion by Reznick, second Bagi, to approve the minutes of the November 21, 2019 regular meeting as presented. Motion carried.


Hughes provided a written report on current issues with new industrial users at the marihuana facilities. (Copy attached.) .

Gallagher provided a Village report.

Slucter and Bagi provided a Township report.

Open to the Public

No comments were received.

Old Business

1. No old business was presented.

New Business

1. Gallagher provided an overview of the 2020-21 final draft budget. Motion by Reznick, second Bagi, to approve the budget as presented and forward a recommendation to the Dimondale Village Council and Windsor Township Board to adopt the budget as presented. Motion carried.


With no additional business, Ammarman adjourned the meeting at 7:41 p.m.