The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Slucter with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Present:  Slucter, Rumsey, Fritts, Myers, Piper and Pray

Absent:  Pisano


Fritts moved and Rumsey seconded to amend the agenda adding Postmark Resolution as item 1 under New Business.  Carried 6-0.  Rumsey moved and Fritts seconded to amend the agenda adding Endorsing Windsor Township Library PAR Plan Risk Reduction Grant Application as item 2 under New Business.  Carried 6-0.  Rumsey moved and Myers seconded to approve the amended Agenda.  Carried 6-0.


Piper moved and Myers seconded to approve the Consent Agenda.  Carried 6-0.

General Fund consisting of Voucher #33701 through Voucher #33745 equaling: $34,415.16 plus digital transfers and payments of $3,429.23 making a Grand Total of $37,844.39. 


Payroll Report consisting of Voucher #42063 through #42082 and Direct Deposit #DD2849 through #DD2900 plus digital payments for a Grand Total of 62,483.39. 




Sheriff’s Report:  Deputy Holliday reported on incidents in the township.


     Planning Commission:  Meeting tomorrow, Street Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance update on the agenda.


     Sewer Board:  Meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 21st.  Possible Plant tour prior to meeting.


     Emergency Service Department:  1) Assisted Grand Ledge Fire Department on a structure fire on the north side of grand Ledge in a trailer park.  2) Fire and EMS crews assisted Delta Township on a fatal single vehicle accident on I-96.  3) Looking into the mutual aid agreement with Eaton Area EMS.  4) Completed and passed our agency/vehicle inspections for the State of Michigan.


     Assessor/Preston Community Services:  None.


     Supervisor’s Report:  1) Still trying to locate a truck for the Public Service Department, but in the meantime have engaged snowplow services for this winter.  2) After speaking with our account manager at our Insurance agency, it was decided not to increase our Non Monetary Defense Cost Coverage as discussed in our previous meeting.


Public Officials:

County Commissioner Dairus Reynnet – Eaton County Public Safety Committee is looking for guidance on an off road vehicle ordinance for county roads.  Eaton County is looking for a new 911 Director.


     Other Reports & Announcements:  None.


Hear Public Present for Agenda Items:  None


New Business:

Discussion was held on the tax payments being received through the mail service.  Fritts offered and Piper supported Resolution No. 21-006, a Resolution where Postmarks are not accepted as date of payment for Property Tax payments.

Ayes: Myers, Piper, Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts and Pray

Nays: None

Absent: Pisano

Resolution No. 21-006 adopted: 6-0-1.


Rumsey offered and Piper supported Resolution No. 21-007, a Resolution of support endorsing Windsor Township Library Par Plan Risk Reduction Grant application.

Ayes: Myers, Piper, Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts and Pray

Nays: None

Absent: Pisano

Resolution No. 21-007 adopted: 6-0-1.


Hear Public Present on any subject:  Pubic comment heard.


Unfinished Business:

Motion by Slucter supported by Rumsey, to move into a closed session to consult with the township attorneys regarding trial or settlement strategy in connection with ongoing Township litigation, specifically Scott M. Carlson v Windsor Charter Township, Case No. 20-000998-CZ.

Ayes: Myers, Piper, Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts and Pray

Nays: None

Absent: Pisano

Motion Carried 6-0-1.


The Board went into closed session at 7:32 pm.


The closed session ended and the Board went back into open session at 8:01 pm.


Rumsey moved and Piper supported to pursue the case as recommended by our lawyer in closed session.  Motion Failed 0-6-1. 


With no further business Supervisor Slucter adjourned the meeting at 8:10 pm.


                                                                                    Lisa A. Rumsey

                                                                                    Windsor Charter Township Clerk