NOVEMBER 15, 2021 – 7:00 PM



The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm by Supervisor Slucter with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Present:  Slucter, Rumsey, Fritts, Myers, Piper, Pray and Pisano

Absent:  None


Supervisor Slucter went over the revenue and each department’s estimated expenses for the proposed 2022 Budget.  Emphasis was made on the Emergency Services department.  An increase in wages is necessary, to retain and compete for employees in this current market. The fundamental responsibility of the township is to provide safety to our residents. 


Pisano moved and Piper seconded to approve the agenda.  Carried 7-0.   


Supervisor Slucter called the Public Hearing to order for the 2022 Budget at 6:50 pm. 


The township board considered various items in the budget. New developments coming into the township in the near future was discussed as well as the increase in taxable values that come with the new developments.


Shirley Watson, 10651 Bishop Hwy – As Library Board Member would like to thank the township board for their continued support especially the increases in appropriations to the library that has been received in recent years.  The library has been historically underfunded.  Their largest expense is payroll and the last time the township’s appropriation covered payroll was in 1991. One third of last year’s budget came from savings, if this continues, the library will be out of money in 2024.   The library is asking for support equivalent to .5 mil.  This will allow the library to continue existing services without interruption.  Thank you for your consideration and please ask myself or Ann if you have any questions.


Bob Vertalka, 6143 Brooks Landing – Appreciate everything the township has done to watch the budget, revenues and expenses.  Supports the Emergency Services and their increase.  They do a fantastic job.  When they were needed two weeks ago, they were literally there in 6 minutes and had my wife to the hospital within half hour.  She had a stroke and is doing well.  The wages Emergency Services are currently receiving are low especially in today’s market.  They are worth the full increase if not more. 


Shirley Watson, 10651 Bishop Hwy – Totally agree with Mr. Vertalka. 


Trustee Myers – Asked what the percentage increase is for Emergency Services Budget. The response was:  It’s about a 30% increase, but it’s difficult to determine the exact amount because the final payment for the new ambulance is included in the proposed budget. There is also a staggering payroll increase. Currently part-time personnel receive 11.69 per hour and with this new budget they will receive a 5% increase for every year of service, most of the current personnel will hit five years of service which will bring them to about 15.50 per hour.  The 15.50 per hour will probably be the starting point going forward.


With no more comments from the public.  Supervisor Slucter Closed Public Hearing at 7:03 pm.


Slucter moved and Myers seconded to amend the motion to approve the agenda, to now read to amend the agenda, adding “Enter Closed Session to Discuss Written Legal Opinion” before Adjournment and approve the agenda as amended. Carried 7-0.


Myers moved and Piper seconded to approve the Consent Agenda.  Carried 7-0.


General Fund consisting of Voucher #33746 through Voucher #33791 equaling: $126,137.43 plus digital transfers and payments of $2,519.92 making a Grand Total of $128,657.35. 


Payroll Report consisting of Voucher #42083 through #42102 and Direct Deposit #DD2901through #DD2948 plus digital payments for a Grand Total of $77,370.00. 




     Supervisor’s Report: 1) Update was given on the Consumers Energy site located at Billwood Hwy and Canal Road.  Still in decision phase, possible service and training center.  Consumers is having a food drive in conjunction with Greater Lansing Food Bank.  Will be accepting contributions at the Lansing Public Library on Tuesday, November 16th between 11 am – 2 pm.  If you missed the drive and would still like to donate, follow this link:    2)  Still working on township logo.  Draft version was shown.  3) This year we have done 54 zoning referrals for a wide range of projects with more coming next year.  Looking into possibly having our own building department.


Sheriff’s Report:  Deputy Holliday reported on incidents in the township.  Eaton County Sheriff’s Office will be participating in Fill a Cop Car on Saturday, December 4th at Carl’s Super Market of Dimondale.  Donations to stay local and will be distributed by the Dimondale Presbyterian Church.


     Planning Commission:  1) The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 17th at 7:00 pm.  Where public hearings will be set for a special use permit and a change of zoning request.  2) Continuing to work on master plan and zoning ordinance. 


     Sewer Board:  None  


     Emergency Service Department:  Chief Miller reported: 1) Participating in Trunk or Treating at the Dimondale Elementary school and Trick or Treating downtown Dimondale. 2) Several car/deer accidents that have required medical evaluation of the drivers, mostly due to broken glass.  3) With the first flurry activity of the year Monday, the overpasses became icy and was busy most of the night.  4) Last week, received quite of bit of personal protective equipment from the State of Michigan.  5) Pray moved and Fritts seconded to approve the hiring of Alexandra Harding as an EMT trainee Paid on call.  Carried 7-0.  6) Update on Emergency Services incentive program was given to the board.  7) An invitation was extended to the Board to attend Emergency Services Christmas Party and Awards Ceremony being held on December 4th.


     Library:  1) Have three grant applications in the process.  Heard back from the State of Michigan on the ARPA grant that was partnered with the Village of Dimondale and it was declined but encouraged to resubmit in the spring.  Still waiting to hear on the Michigan Township Participating Plan grant for ADA door openers.  Working on a grant now to purchase library materials for children and teens. 2) Received resignations and will be losing two of the part time staff between now and the first of the year.  3) The latest Story Walk was installed along the fence in Lions Park this past week. 


     Assessor/Preston Community Services:  1) Data base for tax bills has been updated and ready for the treasurer to send out winter tax bills.  2) December Board of Review is scheduled for December 14th.  3) Building department creation paperwork was presented to the board last year.  Questions need to be addressed prior to proceeding with a building department.


Public Officials: County Commissioner Darius Reynnet reported 1) Broadband survey got within 4% of their targeted residents. 2) Public Safety Committee has recommended to the County Commissioners to draft an Off-Road Vehicle Ordinance.  3) Ways and Means Committee heard presentation from Delta Township and Developers on the Delta Township Corridor Improvement Authority and recommended to the County Commissioners to approve the Authority. 


     Other Reports & Announcements:  None


Hear Public Present for Agenda Items:  None


Unfinished Business:  

Adding of another application of dust control to the proposed Budget was discussed and if needed could be transferred from contingency next year. Myers offered and Piper supported the adoption of the 2022 Budget: the General Fund Budget for a total appropriation of $2,576,814; Public Improvement appropriation of $0.00; Street Lights for a total appropriation of $72,081.32, Fire Hydrant for a total appropriation of $8,360.08; River Rock Landing $440.00 expenditures.

Yeas:  Myers, Piper, Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts, Pray and Pisano

Nays:  None

Absent:  None

Resolution #21-008 adopted:  7-0-0.


Hear Public Present on any subject:

Public comment heard.


Supervisor Slucter declared a short recess at 7:57 pm.


New Business:

Rumsey moved and Pray supported to move into closed session to consider legal advice presented in written legal opinion drafted by the Township Attorney concerning trial or settlement strategy in connection with ongoing Township litigation, specifically Scott M. Carlson v Windsor Charter Township, Case NO. 20-000998-CZ.  Ayes: Myers, Piper Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts, Pray and Pisano. Nays: None.  Absent: None.  Motion Carried.

Township Board moved into closed session at 8:06 pm


Motion by Rumsey, supported by Piper, to come out of closed session. Ayes:  Myers, Piper Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts, Pray and Pisano.  Nays:  None.  Absent:  None.  Motion Carried.

Township Board came out of closed session at 8:33 pm


Rumsey moved and Pray supported to accept the stipulation of dismissal with prejudice and without attorney fees or costs in Carlson v Windsor Charter Township, Case No. 20-000998-CZ, and authorize the Township attorney to execute and file the same. Ayes: Myers, Piper Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts, Pray and Pisano. Nays: None.  Absent: None.  Motion Carried.


With no further business Supervisor Slucter adjourned the meeting at 8:37 pm.


                                                                                    Lisa A. Rumsey

                                                                                    Windsor Charter Township Clerk