NOVEMBER 22, 2022 – 7:00 PM



The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Slucter with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Present:  Slucter, Rumsey, Fritts, Myers, Piper and Pray

Absent:  Pisano


Slucter moved and Rumsey seconded to amend the agenda, adding Tri-County Regional Planning Commission Groundwater Management Board as first item under New Business, and approve the agenda as amended.  Carried unanimously.


The Public Hearing was called to order by Supervisor Slucter for the 2023 Budget at 7:03 pm.


Supervisor Slucter went over the revenue and each department of the proposed 2023 Budget.  An increase in wages to assist in maintaining/recruiting emergency services personnel and for relief in cost of living increases in other departments were included in proposed budget.


Linda Reznick, 316 E Washington St Thanked the Board for its continued generous contribution to the Library.  A few others agreed with Linda’s sentiment. 


Carol Gould, 9502 Walnut HwyQuestioned if the proposed budget included any additional revenue from the Consumers Energy property located at Canal and Billwood Hwy.  It was noted that it will not be in 2023, construction may start sometime in 2023, with a partial assessment in 2024 and hopefully a final assessment in 2025.


Dairus Reynnet, 8608 E. Vermontville Hwy – Asked if there was a reason for the Medical Marijuana Permit fees going down while the Adult-Use Marijuana Permit fees were increasing. Response was given:  At one time, in order to get an Adult-Use Permit, you were required to have a Medical.  This is not the case anymore.  Also, with the abundance of medical marijuana, some businesses are choosing to reduce their medical licenses and increase their adult-use, since the administrative rules from Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) states there is a 60 day waiting period before medical marijuana can be transferred over for adult-use. 


Jamie Wegryn-Jones, 776 Tanbark Dr – Requested clarification on the proposed budget chart of account numbers.  Clarification was given.


With no more questions or comments from the public, Supervisor Slucter Closed the Public Hearing at 7:21 pm.


Pray moved and Piper seconded to approve the Consent Agenda.  Carried unanimously.


General Fund consisting of Voucher #34329 through Voucher #34374 equaling: $101,120.39 plus digital transfers and payments of $2,090.32 making a Grand Total of $103,210.71.


Payroll Report consisting of Voucher #42295 through #42310 and Direct Deposit #DD3575 through #DD3624 plus digital payments for a Grand Total of $88,367.19.




Sheriff’s Report:  Deputy Holliday reported on incidents in the township.


     Planning Commission:  On November 2nd, held a Special Meeting with a Public Hearing on Canines for Change Special Use Permit.  Regular meeting scheduled for November 9th was cancelled due to lack of agenda items.


     Sewer Board:  November meeting was cancelled.


     Emergency Service Department:  Chief Miller reported: 1) Significant runs since last meeting.  2)  Responded to a fire alarm at Hammond Farms.  Upon arrival found sparks from outdoor wood boiler chimney blowing onto burning log pile consequently both were blowing sparks onto multiple mulch piles catching them on fire. Assisted by 11 other departments with over 60 firefighters on scene.  Used approximately 638,000 gallons of water to extinguish.  The fire was contained to the facility.  3) Sparrow has received approval from the State of Michigan to receive ambulance traffic at their new Free standing Emergency room in Okemos.  4) Piper moved and Rumsey seconded approve the hiring of Melissa Rowland as pool paramedic retroactive back to October 28, 2022.  Motion carried unanimously.  5) An invitation was extended to the Board to attend Emergency Services Christmas Party and Awards Ceremony being held on December 3rd.


     Assessor/Preston Community Services:  None


Public Service Department:   October was a busy month, with 4 new full burials plus 4 new cremation burials.  This brings our year to date total to 41 burials.


Supervisor’s Report:  Busy working on several different items.  A Special Use Permit for Canines for Change was approved during a special meeting held earlier this month.  A worth while non-profit organization that train facility, support and service dogs for veterans, individuals with disabilities, schools, hospitals and nursing homes.


Library:  Provided Circulation Report.  Went over library volunteer, grant, business and community support for 2022.


Public Officials:  County Commissioner Darius Reynnet reported 1) Last week the contract with the County Sheriff department was reopened and under negotiations.  2) County controller is resigning at the end of the year and the deputy control will be taking over as interim controller.


     Other Reports & Announcements:  Treasurer Fritts reported on recently receiving unexpected funds from the State of Michigan on medical marihuana excise tax for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021.   Clerk Rumsey reported having a great turnout for the mid-term elections held on November 8th.   Sixty-nine percent of Windsor Township’s registered voters exercised their right to vote.


Hear Public Present for Agenda Items:  None


Unfinished Business:  None


New Business:

Lauren Schnoebelen and Garry Rowe from Tri-County Planning Ground Water Management Board gave a presentation on ground water study.  History on testing results from Ingham County sample wells were provided.  Sampling of wells in Delta Township were recently completed and would like to continue study in Windsor Township some time in March 2023.  Grants are being considered to help supplement the cost. Looking to sample 18 to 20 wells in Windsor Township.  Slucter moved and Myers seconded to table decision on proceeding with well study in Windsor Township until next regular meeting on December 13, 2022.  Motion carried unanimously.


Pray moved and Myers seconded to reappoint James Fabijancic for a three year term.  Motion carried unanimously.


Piper moved and Fritts seconded to remain with the current plan for Provident Accident & Health Policy for all firefighters and to prepay premium for three years.  Motion carried unanimously.


Discussion took place on the proposed 2023 Budget.  Supervisor’s position was touched upon.  Over the last few years, the position has evolved.  Suggestion was made to form a committee, after the new year, to overhaul the supervisor’s responsibilities and create a new job description. 


Hear Public Present on any subject:  Public comment heard.


Motion by Rumsey, supported by Piper to enter into closed session to discuss a confidential written legal opinion proved by the Township attorney related to the land division of lots at Harvest Park.

Roll call was taken:  Ayes:   6    Nays:   0    Absent:   1  .

Motion Carried.

Township Board went into closed session at   8:15   pm.


Motion by Slucter, supported by Piper to come out of closed session.

Roll call was taken:  Ayes:   6    Nays:   0    Absent:   1  .

Motion Carried.

Township Board came out of closed session at   8:48   pm.


Supervisor Slucter reopened the regular meeting at 8:48 pm.


With no further business Supervisor Slucter adjourned the meeting at 8:50 pm.



                                                                                    Lisa A. Rumsey

                                                                                    Windsor Charter Township Clerk