JUNE 13, 2023 – 7:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Slucter with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Slucter, Rumsey, Fritts, Myers, Piper and Pisano
Absent: Pray
Representative Angela Witwer presented
Chief Phillip Miller with a plaque expressing gratitude to Windsor Township
Emergency Services for their assistance with the MSU shooting on February 13,
2023. The plaque was presented on behalf of the State of Michigan, signed by
Governor Witmer, Lt Governor Gilchrist, State Senator Anthony and State
Representative Witwer.
Rumsey moved and Piper seconded
to approve the amended agenda, moving Plaque Dedication for Emergency Services
to the beginning of the agenda. Motion carried
moved and Pisano seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Fund consisting of Voucher #34721 through Voucher #34787 equaling: $52,046.59
plus digital transfers and payments of $2,695.88 making a Grand Total of $54,742.47.
Payroll Report consisting of Voucher #42402 through #42416 and Direct Deposit
#DD4003 through #DD4064 plus digital payments for a Grand Total of $95,037.70.
Sheriff’s Report: Deputy Holliday reported on incidents in the township
Planning Commission: None
Sewer Board: Meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 15, 2023.
Emergency Service Department: Chief Miller reported: 1) Significant runs since last meeting were
reported. 2) Piper moved and Fritts
seconded to promote Robert Reedy and Blayne White from trainee status to paid
on call firefighters. Motion carried unanimously. Followed
by pinning of badges. 3) There are smoke detectors and carbon
monoxide alarms still available for free installation. Applications are available from the Township
webpage or contact Emergency Services Department.
Assessor/Preston Community Services: 1) Tax roll has been given to treasurer for 2023 Summer Taxes. 2) Preparations are being made for field work as well as July Board of Review, scheduled for July 18th.
Public Service Department: 1) So far this year, there has been 9 burials, 5 cremations and 4 full burials. 2) We picked up an entire truck load of junk building materials, that was dumped along Bishop Hwy, today.
Supervisor’s Report: 1) Received information on The Council on
Municipal Cannabis. The Township would
benefit from a membership. They are a
nonprofit organization that promotes local government cannabis regulatory
frameworks that work to protect the public; conduct, administer and/or sponsor
research that focuses on municipal cannabis regulations policies, leadership
and economic benefits; promote competency-based education for municipal
cannabis regulations leadership as well as diversity and inclusion; educate
cities, townships, villages’ and the public about cannabis community benefits
and social equity programs and policies
Public Officials:
Village of Dimondale Manager, Denis Prisk reported 1) The Annual Oldsmobile Car Show is scheduled for Friday, June 16, 2023 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. 2) The Danford Island Park restrooms are to be open sometime in August. 3) Construction to start in September on a gazebo for Island Park. 4) Reconstruction of the basketball court was approved.
Other Reports & Announcements: None
Hear Public Present for Agenda Items: None
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Discussion was held the 2023 Inter-Local Agreement for Local Police Services. It was noted that the County was asked if they could submit the agreement before we approve our annual budget. Myers moved and Piper seconded to approve and authorize the Supervisor Slucter to sign the 2023 Inter-Local Agreement for Local Police Services. Motion carried unanimously.
The Lansing Board of Water and Light has
submitted Supplemental Agreement No. 11 for our approval. This agreement is for the new Watermain being
installed South on Creyts Road and West on Billwood Hwy to service the
Consumers Energy site. Rumsey moved
and Piper seconded to approve the Lansing Board of Water and Light Supplemental
Agreement No. 11 and authorize Supervisor Slucter to sign Agreement on behalf
of the Township. Motion carried unanimously.
Quotes were submitted for IT service
contracts. At this time, we have been
paying hourly rates for some of these services.
The cost of the service contract with security is more than we are
currently paying, but it has additional benefits that are essential. Rumsey
moved and Slucter seconded to approve entering into a Managed Services Monthly
Plan that includes security with Thatch Computer Consulting at a monthly cost
of $1965.00. Motion carried unanimously.
Hear Public Present on any subject:
Marty Long thanked Supervisor Slucter and the Township on the memorial at the Dimondale Cemetery for Bill Long.
It was suggested to contact State Police Cyber Security office as they may have grant money for IT security.
With no further business Supervisor Slucter adjourned the meeting at 7:36 pm.
Lisa A. Rumsey
Windsor Charter Township Clerk