AUGUST 8, 2023 – 7:00 PM



The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Slucter with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present:  Slucter, Rumsey, Fritts, Myers, Piper, Pray and Pisano

Absent:  None


Piper moved and Fritts seconded to approve the agenda as written. Motion carried unanimously.


Piper moved and Pisano seconded to approve the Consent Agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.


General Fund consisting of Voucher #34835 through Voucher #34877 equaling: $65,003.38 plus digital transfers and payments of $2,132.09 making a Grand Total of $67,135.47.


Payroll Report consisting of Voucher #42434 through #42455 and Direct Deposit #DD4132 through #DD4200 plus digital payments for a Grand Total of $105,251.63.




Sheriff’s Report:  None 


     Planning Commission:  Setting a Public Hearing for a Special Use Permit is on the agenda for tomorrow.


     Sewer Board: None


     Emergency Service Department:  Chief Miller reported:  1) Reminder of the 2023 Emerging issues in Emergency Services event scheduled for September 12th.  2) As part of the continuing education for Chief Officers and Fire Inspectors, Chief Miller and Assistant Chief Fabijancic will be attending a Fire Investigation Summit in Roscommon Thursday. 3) Smoke detectors are still available for free installation.  4) Have received and will be installing the first two “bed shaker” smoke detectors next week. This type of smoke detector is designed to alert someone who is deaf or hard of hearing.  It also has a visual strobe for daytime.


Assessor/Preston Community Services:  Working with legal counsel on three tax tribunals.  Preparing for the State of Michigan Assessment Roll Audit in 2024. 


Public Service Department:  1) To date, there have been 17 burials, 11 cremations and 6 full burials.  2) Employment opportunity available, seeking a part time maintenance/cemetery associate.  Please contact the township office if interested.   


Supervisor’s Report:  1) We did NOT receive any notice on the start of the watermain project that will be closing down Creyts Road from Lansing Road to Billwood Hwy for the next 4 to 6 weeks.  2) Eaton County Drain Commission has accepted Harvest Park Drain as a county maintained system.  The Eaton County Road Commission will be meeting on August 22nd to determine Harvest Park road status.


Public Officials:  Village Manager Denis Prisk reported 1) Basketball/pickleball court reconstruction is on schedule. 2) Danford Park restroom is on target to be completed at the end of month.  3)  The solar Wi-Fi bench at Danford Park has been installed and the installation of the other benches are in progress.  4)  On Saturday, August 12th from 10 am to 3 pm, hosting the Campers, Cars & Craft event.


     Other Reports & Announcements:  None


Hear Public Present for Agenda Items:  None


Unfinished Business:  None


New Business:

Domenick Carrol, Government Affairs Project Manager for Crown Castle, gave a presentation on Wireless Infrastructure they will be installing in Windsor Township for Verizon. 


In accordance with MCL 15.568 Section 8 of Act 125 of 2011, Rumsey moved and Pray seconded to opt out of the 80/20 program for eligible employee’s health insurance and pay 100% of the premium for the 9/01/23 to 8/31/24 period.  Motion carried unanimously.


Pray offered and Pisano supported Resolution 23-005, to change the Residential Equivalent Unit (REU) Table for Restaurants/Bars to be calculated by the square foot instead of per seat.

Roll Call:

Ayes:  Myers, Piper, Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts, Pray and Pisano

Nays:  None

Absent:  None

Resolution Adopted.


Hear Public Present on any subject:  None


Piper moved and Rumsey seconded for the Township Board to enter closed session in order to discuss real estate in accordance with MCL 15.268(d).

Roll Call was taken:  Ayes:   7         Nays:   0         Absent:   0       

Motion Carried


Regarding the case of Green Peak Industries v Windsor Charter Township Board and Kern Slucter, now pending in Ingham County Circuit Court, Case No. 23-000413-AS-C30, Rumsey moved and Piper seconded to go into closed session to consult with the Township’s attorney regarding litigation and trial strategy in connection with the said pending litigation.  Closed session is appropriate because an open meeting would have a detrimental impact on the position of the Township.

Roll Call was taken:  Ayes:   7         Nays:   0         Absent:   0       

Motion Carried


Township Board went into closed session at    7:56    pm.


Motion by Rumsey, supported by Pisano, to come out of closed session.

Roll Call was taken:  Ayes:   7         Nays:   0         Absent:   0       

Motion Carried

Township Board came out of closed session at   8:55   pm.


With no further business Supervisor Slucter adjourned the meeting at 8:55 pm.


                                                                                    Lisa A. Rumsey

                                                                                    Windsor Charter Township Clerk