SEPTEMBER 26, 2023 – 7:00 PM



The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Slucter with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present:  Slucter, Rumsey, Fritts, Piper, Pray and Pisano

Absent:  Myers


Piper moved and Fritts seconded to approve the agenda as written. Motion carried unanimously.


Rumsey moved and Pisano seconded to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as written.  Motion carried unanimously.



Sheriff’s Report:  None 


     Planning Commission:  At last meeting: 1) Held a Public Hearing for a Special Use Permit, 2) Recommended approval to the board for a Special Use Permit renewal and 3) Set the date of October 11th for a Public Hearing on a change of zoning request.


     Sewer Board: At the last meeting: 1) A plant tour was provided, 2) Welcomed two new members from the Village to the Sewer Board, 3) Postponed appointing officers until the next meeting and 4) Discussed easements.


     Emergency Service Department:  Chief Miller reported:  1) A copy of a Thank You note to Emergency Services from a family that received the smoke detector installation program was distributed to the board.  2) Tri-County Emergency Medical Control Authority honored our EMS crews, who brought back a person from cardiac arrest, with a certificate.  3) Because of the work that was done with the smoke detector program, the Bureau of Fire Services gave Windsor Emergency Services a “Rescue Randy” (a lifelike manikin) to train with.  4) The prevention department has been busy with burning complaints from Eaton County 911.


Assessor/Preston Community Services:  1) Continuing to work on tax tribunals with legal counsel.


Public Service Department:  1) To date, there have been 24 burials, 15 cremations and 9 full burials.  2)  Been working hard to get all cemeteries back in shape after severe storm a month ago. 


Supervisor’s Report:  1) Received an update on Creyts Road water main construction.  Also, the contractor onsite has agreed to re-grade the private road, Carol Lane, due to through traffic vehicles being destructive when using it as a turnaround.  2) Submitted a revised proposal of around $600,000 to the State for storm cleanup assistance.  Waiting to hear if approved. 3) Due to conflict in schedules discussion was held on changing the date of the next regular Township Board meeting.  Rumsey moved and Fritts seconded to move the October 10, 2023, regular Township Board Meeting to Monday, October 16, 2023, at 7:00 pm.  Motion carried unanimously.


Public Officials:  None


     Other Reports & Announcements:  None


Hear Public Present for Agenda Items:  Discussion was held on storm cleanup.  The Township is no longer looking at a site drop off location, due to not having secured or 24-hour oversight of the possible locations.  The revised proposal to the State includes picking up storm debris from roads right of way.


Unfinished Business:  

Garry Rowe, representative of the Tri-County Planning Ground Water Management Board gave a presentation on the groundwater quality assessment done for Windsor Charter Township.  There were 30 different parameters tested. Levels were comparable to neighboring communities.  Homeowner recommendations: 1) Homeowners need to routinely check the physical condition of their well, such as the well cap and casing.  2)  Wells should be routinely tested for bacteriological and partial chemical analysis.  Tests for arsenic should also be considered.  3)  Homeowners need to manage wastewater from water treatment devices properly so that wells and groundwater are not adversely impacted.  4) Homes and buildings should be routinely tested for radon levels.  Check out their groundwater website:


Discussion was held on the revisions made to include the Fire Code in the Code Compliance Procedure Manual.  Rumsey moved and Piper seconded to adopt the Code Compliance Procedure Manual. Motion carried unanimously.


New Business:

Based on the materials reviewed and information discussed by the Board, Pray moved and Piper seconded pursuant to the Windsor Township Zoning Ordinance to approve the annual review of Fresh Coast Cannabis and Rooted & Zooted Processing LLC’s Special Use Permits, under the following conditions:  1) All original and currently applicable conditions.  2)  The Licensees maintain their SUP renewal for the property and any and all conditions provided within their SUP renewals.

Roll Call:

Ayes:  Piper, Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts, Pray and Pisano

Nays:  None

Absent:  Myers

Motion Carried


Based on the materials reviewed and information discussed by the Board, Slucter moved and Pray seconded pursuant to the Windsor Township Zoning Ordinance to approve Mountain Sage LLC d/b/a Green Jade Organics Special Use Permit subject to the Planning Commission’s recommended conditions, except to add after one (1) year, reassess the deferment of seven (7) parking spaces.

Roll Call:

Ayes:  Piper, Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts, Pray and Pisano

Nays:  None

Absent:  Myers

Motion Carried


Hear Public Present on any subject:  None


With no further business Supervisor Slucter adjourned the meeting at 8:01 pm.


                                                                                    Lisa A. Rumsey

                                                                                    Windsor Charter Township Clerk