Supervisor Slucter called to order the Special Meeting at 7:30 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Present:  Slucter, Rumsey, Fritts, Piper, Pray and Pisano

Absent:  Myers


Piper moved and Fritts seconded to approve the agenda as written.  Motion carried unanimously.


Hear Public Present for Agenda Items:  None


Rumsey moved and Slucter seconded to accept the Dimondale/Windsor Sewer Board’s recommendation and approve the Dimondale/Windsor Township Wastewater Treatment Plant 2024-2025 Budget.  Clarification was provided on the increase in Capital Outlay largely being for Sewer Outfall Replacement and Lift Station #6 Gas conversion. Motion carried unanimously.


A review of the draft Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Construction Codes/Administrative Services Division Application to Administer and Enforce was conducted.  Attachments included in the review were Building Official Employment Agreement, Contractor Agreement, Construction Board of Appeals documentation, Retention of Records Schedule, FOIA Procedures and Guidelines, Samples of a Construction Code Application and related documents, Fee Schedule, and Preliminary Budget. Discussion took place and minor corrections were made. The desire to get on the State’s Construction Board’s agenda for April was considered.  Supervisor Slucter distributed copies, to the board, of an email received late in the afternoon today, from Chris Garrison, Director/Building Official from Eaton County Department of Construction Codes & Planning and Zoning and read the entire email that requested a postponement on the discussion of finalizing Windsor Charter Township’s Building Department until they can meet with our Board and discuss.  Supervisor Slucter reached out to Director Garrison and informed him that we have been working on creating a building department for well over two years, the municipalities surrounding us already have their own building departments and having our own building department would be more efficient, cost effective and accessible to our community’s current and future residents and business owners.    It was recommended to reach out again to Eaton County Construction Codes & Planning and Zoning, notifying them of our decision and if that decision is to go forward with a building department that we will continue utilizing their services until further notice.   


Piper moved and Pisano seconded to approve the amended Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Construction Codes/Administrative Services Division Application to Administer and Enforce and give Kern Slucter and Peter Preston the authority to submit the application to the State of Michigan.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Rumsey moved and Pray seconded to create a Construction Board of Appeals and appoint Robert Vertalka (Attorney/Appraiser) as chairperson, Richard Slee (Residential Builder) and John Verlinde (Excavator/ Underground Contractor) to said board.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Pray moved and Fritts seconded to Adopt Windsor Charter Township Building & Trades Department General Retention Schedule as presented in the Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Construction Codes/Administrative Services Division Application to Administer and Enforce packet.  Motion carried unanimously.


Piper moved and Pisano seconded to Adopt, Resolution No. 24-002, Code Enforcement Resolution Establishing Fees, effective April 1, 2024.

Roll Call Vote:          

Yeas:  Piper, Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts, Pray and Pisano

            Nays:  None

            Absent:  Myers

Resolution No. 24-002 unanimously adopted.


Rumsey moved and Pray seconded authorizing the township to enter into an Employment Agreement with Nicholas Kurncz and a Building & Trade Permitting, Inspection and Plan Review Assistance Services Agreement with Preston Community Services LLC (PCS). Motion carried unanimously. 


Slucter moved and Piper seconded to enter into closed session with the Township attorney to discuss settlement strategy regarding Green Peak Industries v Windsor Charter Township, which if discussed in open session would cause a financial detriment to the Township.


Roll Call was taken:  Ayes:    6        Nays:    0        Absent:   1     

Motion Carried. 

Township Board went into closed session at    8:20_    pm. 


Motion by     Rumsey    , supported by        Piper      , to come out of closed session.

Roll Call was taken:  Ayes:    6        Nays:     0       Absent:     1   

Motion Carried.

Township Board came out of closed session at        9:08         pm. 


With no further business, Supervisor Slucter adjourned the Special Meeting at 9:09 pm.  



                                                                                    Lisa A. Rumsey, Clerk  

                                                                                    Windsor Charter Township