BE IT RESOLVED BY Township Board of Windsor Charter Township,


WHEREAS, Windsor Charter Township, Eaton County, Michigan, is a political subdivision within the State of Michigan with an official Emergency Operations plan in compliance with Section 19 of the Emergency Management Act, Act 390, Public Acts of 1976, as amended. 


WHEREAS, Windsor Charter Township, sustained severe losses of major proportions brought on by the Severe Storm Weather resulting in the following conditions:     Down trees and power lines, blocked roads, vehicle accidents and entrapments, block access to government facilities, as well as other emergencies.                                     



WHEREAS, the Township Board certifies that the Eaton County Emergency Operations Plan was implemented at the onset of the disaster at 2114 hours on August 24, 2023 and all applicable disaster relief forces identified therein were exhausted.


WHEREAS, as a direct result of the disaster, public damage and expenditures were extraordinary and place an unreasonably great financial burden on Windsor Charter Township totaling $37,471.79   


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Board requests the Governor authorize a grant to Windsor Charter Township from the State Disaster Contingency Fund pursuant to Section 19, Act 390, Public Acts of 1976, as amended.


FURTHERMORE, Phillip Miller is authorized to execute for and in behalf of Windsor Charter Township the application for financial assistance and to provide to the State any information required for that purpose.



Action taken and incorporated in the minutes of a meeting of Windsor Charter Township on March 26, 2024.