The regular meeting of the Windsor Charter Township Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairperson Holtz.


Present: Holtz, Johnson, Pray, Sabourin, Bowen and Barnhart-Smith

Absent:  Fabijancic

Also Present:  Planning Consultant Peter Preston and Clerk Rumsey


Barnhart-Smith moved and Johnson seconded to approve the agenda as written.  Motion carried unanimously.


Johnson moved and Bowen seconded to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as written.  Motion carried unanimously.



      Township Board: 1) Adopted a Resolution requesting a grant from the State Disaster Contingency Fund for reimbursement due to the severe storm damage on August 24, 2023.  2) Received an update on the I-96 bridge reconstruction.  3) Approve Attitude Wellness LLC (commonly known as Lume Cannabis Co) Permit Application, with conditions, for a Commercial Marihuana Facility.  4) Community Clean Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 18, 2024.  Volunteers are needed, call Jim Bogi 517-604-3334 to sign up.


      Board of Appeals:  None


      Board of Review:  The March Board of Review is completed.


      Reports & Announcements:  None


Hear Public present on agenda items:  Public comment was heard.


New Business:

The annual review was conducted on Premier Meds LLC Special Use Permit Renewal.  Motion by Holtz and supported by Johnson to recommend to the Township Board to approve the renewal of Premier Meds LLC Special Use Permit for a Marihuana Cultivation Facility at 5103 Lansing Rd.

Roll Call:

Ayes:  Sabourin, Barnhart-Smith, Johnson, Holtz, Pray and Bowen

Nays:  None

Absent:  Fabijancic

Motion Carried.


Discussion was held on the Special Use Permit for a Commercial Marihuana Facility at 6482 Lansing Rd for Marley Crops.  The property is still vacant and currently for sale.  Motion by Pray and supported by Sabourin to recommend to the Township Board not to renew Marley Crops Special Use Permit for a Commercial Marihuana Facility at 6482 Lansing Rd due to inactivity. 

Roll Call:

Ayes:  Sabourin, Barnhart-Smith, Johnson, Holtz, Pray and Bowen

Nays:  None

Absent:  Fabijancic

Motion Carried.


Unfinished Business:

A presentation was received for rezoning of a parcel of land on Guinea Road from Agricultural to Industrial.  Upon administrative review by staff and zoning administrator, it was determined the request does not meet the Master Plan. A request was then sent to the Planning Commission to consider amending the Master Plan.  After discussion on the parcel of land requesting rezoning, it was determined by the Planning Commission that the land on both sides of Guinea Road from Lansing Road to the railroad track is not under agricultural production, is unsuitable for farming and due to the close proximity of Lansing Road, might be more appropriate for commercial or industrial use.  Pray moved and Johnson seconded to proceed with Intent to Plan, amending the Master Plan for the area on both sides of Guinea Rd from Lansing Rd to railroad tracks from Agricultural to Industrial.

Roll Call:

Ayes:  Sabourin, Barnhart-Smith, Johnson, Holtz, Pray and Bowen

Nays:  None

Absent:  Fabijancic

Motion Carried


Hear Public present on any subject:  Public comment heard.


With no further business, Chairperson Holtz adjourned the meeting at 7:42 pm.


                                                                                    Lisa A. Rumsey, Clerk

                                                                                    Windsor Charter Township