APRIL 9, 2024 – 7:00 PM



The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Slucter with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present:  Slucter, Rumsey, Fritts, Myers, Piper, Pray and Pisano

Absent:  None


Rumsey moved and Pisano seconded to amend the agenda, adding Attitude Wellness LLC (commonly known as Lume Cannabis Company) Marihuana Permit under new business.  Motion carried unanimously.  Myers moved and Piper seconded to approve the agenda as amended.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Pisano moved and Piper seconded to approve the Consent Agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.


General Fund consisting of Voucher #355226 through Voucher #35294 equaling: $158,778.38 plus digital transfers and payments of $7,597.78 making a Grand Total of $166,376.16.


Payroll Report consisting of Voucher #42553 through #42564 and Direct Deposit #DD4747 through #DD4812 plus digital payments for a Grand Total of $100,065.80.




Sheriff’s Report:  None 


     Planning Commission:  For meeting tomorrow, performing two Special Use Permit annual reviews and a discussion on an amendment to the Master Plan.


     Sewer Board: None.  


     Emergency Service Department: Chief Miller reported 1) Significant runs. 2) Issue with engine in Ambulance 171, to be covered by warranty.  3) Will be attending the Great Lakes Homeland Security Conference May 7th through May 9th, along with Assistant Chief Fabijancic.


Assessor/Preston Community Services:  Board of Review has been finalized with Eaton County Equalization and waiting State’s approval in early May. 


Public Service Department:  1) Working on foundation orders that have been received over the winter.  2)  So far this year there have been seven (7) burials, five (5) full and two (2) cremations.  There are an additional twelve (12) cremations scheduled for interment.  3) The 3rd Annual Community Cleanup is scheduled for May 18th from 9 AM to 3 PM.  Looking for volunteers, call Jim Bogi at 517-604-3334 to sign up.  4) The new lawn mowers should be delivered tomorrow.


Supervisor’s Report:  1) Tomorrow, the State of Michigan is holding the public hearing for the Township’s proposed Building Department.  2)  Had meeting with IIP, the company that owns the facility previously occupied by Green Peak Industries.  They have offered to assist in obtaining Harvest Park road certification, as well as possibly providing volunteers for the community cleanup. 3) The Township is hosting AARP Income Tax Service again this year.  There has been a great response from the community.      


Public Officials: County Commissioner Jacob Toomey reported 1) Eaton County will be holding another Town Hall meeting on April 17, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm in the Board of Commissioners room, 1045 Independence Blvd, Charlotte, MI.  This is more of a round table discussion where you can interact more with the commissioners on the financial stability of the county going forward and hear what services residents find important.  2)  The County has obtained significant savings in their employee health insurance budget with Blue Cross Blue Shield.  3) The Annual Easter Egg Hunt was a success, thanks to the Lions Club for hosting.


     Other Reports & Announcements:  1) Eaton County Road Commission has scheduled a Public Hearing for Tuesday, April 23rd at 7:00 pm, at 1112 Reynolds Road, Charlotte, MI to discuss the upcoming Road Construction Project on Davis Highway from Nixon Road to Guinea Road.  2)  In Windsor Township, there is a May 7th Special School Bond Proposal Election for registered voters in Holt or Waverly School District only.  3)  Reminder there is NO second meeting in April scheduled due to Michigan Township Association Annual Conference.


Hear Public Present for Agenda Items:  None.


Unfinished Business:  None

Rumsey moved and Pisano seconded to un-table Michigan Department of Transportation Report on Bridge Construction.  Motion carried unanimously.  A representative from MDOT was unable to attend tonight’s meeting to provide information on the I-96 bridge reconstruction project; however, Janet Foran, a Billwood Hwy resident, reported on an email correspondence with Micheal Meyer from MDOT.  Questions and responses are as follows:  1. Concerning how long the demolition will last? The deck removal is now completed.  Beams will be removed the week of April 1st and will progress into removing the piers and abutments.  This will require jackhammering again but shouldn’t be as loud as the deck removal because the equipment won’t be in contact with the steel beams and debris won’t be free falling onto the steel barges.  2.  How the river traffic will be affected?  The river traffic will remain open at all times with the exception of bridge demolition and beam setting.  The current river closure will be removed once the beams have been removed.  3.  What precautions are being taken to prevent structural damage to local residents’ property?  There are no anticipated impacts to private property. 4.  What is the general timetable for building the second span?  Similar timeframe as last season’s work on the new WB bridge, the new EB bridge is expected to be completed mid-November.  5.  How will trucks carrying debris be routed away from the construction site?  This is really up to the contractor and varies depending on the operation and what materials need to be brought in or removed from the site.  Most of the time they enter from EB I-96 and exit using Billwood to Lansing Rd.  6. Overall is the project on schedule?  The project is progressing along as planned and is on schedule.


New Business:

A review was conducted on Attitude Wellness LLC (dba Lume Cannabis Co.) Permit Application for a Commercial Marihuana Facility. They will be taking over an existing facility previously occupied by Green Peak Industries. Plans are to operate three (3) shifts, Monday through Friday and have 60 to 80 employees. Odor mitigation and wastewater discharge were discussed.  Rumsey moved and Fritts seconded to approve the Application submitted by Attitude Wellness LLC (commonly known as Lume Cannabis Company) for Commercial Marihuana Facilities and Establishments (the “Application”) at the existing structure at 10070 Harvest Park, Dimondale, having a Parcel Identification Number of 080-002-100-022-01 (the “Property”) and GRANT eight Commercial Medical Grower Class C Permits, one Commercial Medical Processor Facility Permit, and one Commercial Adult-Use Marihuana Processor Facility subject to the following conditions:  1. Operation must be consistent with the Application and its incorporated material.  2. The sewer connection and operation must conform to conditions previously approved for the Property or secure new approval from the applicable sewer board. 3. Before any marihuana plants or plant material are located within the building, the Applicant shall provide the executed contract with their third-party security company and the contact information for the individual responsible for on-site security. 4. Applicant shall provide the most recent financial documents submitted to the CRA in support of their state licenses as supplemental, confidential material of the Application. 5. Operation must be consistent with and is subject to the current Special Land Use Permit for the Property as well as its conditions and requirements, including final dedication of the public road serving the Property.  6. Future renewal of adult-use and medical marihuana Permits are contingent upon complying with the Township’s ordinances, rules, or regulations; state law, rules, or regulations; the conditions provided herein; and with the site plan(s) approved for the Property.  7) Permit to expire 6/01/2025.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Hear Public Present on any subject:  Public comment heard.


With no further business Supervisor Slucter adjourned the meeting at 7:54 pm.


                                                                                    Lisa A. Rumsey

Windsor Charter Township Clerk