The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Slucter with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present: Slucter, Rumsey, Fritts, Myers, Piper, Pray, Pisano

Absent: None

Myers moved and Piper seconded to approve the agenda as written. Motion carried unanimously.

Pisano moved and Piper seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

General Fund consisting of Voucher #35341 through Voucher #35407 equaling: $70,131.99 plus digital transfer and payments of $1,324.83 making a Grand Total of $71,456.82

Payroll Report consisting of Voucher #42584 through #42596 and direct deposits #DD4888 through #DD4957 plus digital payments for a Grand Total of $97,839.31



Sheriff’s Reports:  None


Planning Commission:  At last meeting, held two public hearings, approved the Master Plan Amendment and made recommendations to Township Board to renew Special Use Permit for Daycare Facility on Nixon Rd and change the zoning on 6690 Guinea Road from A-1 to M-1.   


Sewer Board:  None


Emergency Service Department: Chief Miller reported 1) There were many significant runs, including traffic accidents, a natural gas leak in Grand Pointe subdivision, and assisted neighboring departments with structure fires. 2) Piper moved and Myers seconded to hire firefighter Samantha Olsen into the EMS division and be a paid-on call firefighter/EMT.  Motion carried unanimously.  3)  There were three of our EMS students, Hezikiah Lewis, Blayne White and Rachel Hinds, who passed their EMT national registry exam.


Assessor/Preston Community Services:  The July Board of Review is scheduled for July 16, 2024.


Public Service Department: So far this year there have been 12 burials, 7 full burials and 5 cremains.  One of the full burials was a disinterment from another cemetery because the family felt the Windsor Township cemeteries were taken care of better. 


Supervisor’s Report:  1) Creyts Road Update - The construction equipment is gone from the South bound lane and Creyts Road will be reopening soon.  2) Received a preliminary report on the building department application from the State of Michigan.  The review is substantially complete, with only one corrective action needing to be addressed and resubmitted.


Public Officials:  None

Other Reports & Announcements:  None

Hear Public Present for Agenda Items:  None

Unfinished Business:  None


New Business:

Pray moved and Slucter seconded to approve Hawa Omar Daycare Special Use Permit at 7894 Nixon Rd and change the annual requirement to every five years. 

Roll Call:

Ayes:  Myers, Piper, Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts, Pray and Pisano   

Nays:  None                                                                          

Absent:  None                                                                       

Motion carried unanimously.


Based upon the materials reviewed, Slucter moved and Rumsey seconded, pursuant to Windsor Township’s Medical/Adult-use Marihuana Ordinance to approve Two (2) Adult-Use Class C Grower Facility Licensing Permit and One (1) Adult-Use Processor Facility Licensing Permit for Transcend DVentures, under the following conditions: 1) All original and currently applicable conditions.  2) The License Permittee maintaining their SUP renewal for the property with any and all conditions provided within their SUP renewal, noting that they are allowed to continue to operate under their current SUP, which is tabled currently, and will have to comply with any conditions of that renewed SUP at the time Harvest Park lots comply with the Township’s ordinances or as otherwise determined by the Board at a future date as additional information becomes available.  Motion carried unanimously.


The proposed change of zoning for 6690 Guinea Road from A-1 to M-1 was evaluated.  The recent amendment to the Master Plan was reviewed and the surrounding area was examined.  Slucter moved and Piper seconded to introduce the intent to rezone Parcel 080-009-100-090-00, commonly known as 6690 Guinea Road, from A-1 (Agricultural) to M-1 (Industrial).  Further the rezoning be considered for adoption by the Township Board at the July 9, 2024, regular Township Board meeting.

Roll Call:

Ayes:  Myers, Piper, Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts, Pray and Pisano   

Nays:  None                                                                          

Absent:  None                                                                       

Motion carried unanimously.


Hear Public Present on any subject: Public comment heard.

With no further business Supervisor Slucter adjourned the meeting at 7:28pm.

                                                                                      Lisa A. Rumsey

Windsor Charter Township Clerk