DECEMBER 10, 2024 – 7:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Shaw with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Shaw, Rumsey, Barnhart-Smith, Pray, Myers, Gardner, and VanElls
Absent: None
Barnhart-Smith moved and Myers
seconded to approve the agenda as written. Motion carried unanimously.
moved and Myers seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Fund consisting of Voucher #35687 through Voucher #3535760 equaling: $70,978.02
plus digital transfers and payments of $1213.27 making a Grand Total of $72,191.29
Payroll Report consisting of Voucher #42656 through #42668 and Direct
Deposit #DD5372 through #DD5440 plus digital payments for a Grand Total of $109,897.77.
Sheriff’s Report: Incidents in the township were reported.
Planning Commission: The December meeting was canceled due to a lack of agenda items.
Sewer Board: There was no meeting scheduled for this month.
Emergency Service Department: Chief Miller reported: 1) Significant runs were reported. 2) An update was provided on the ISO review. 3) Christmas
Party / award ceremony highlights were given.
Assessor/Preston Community Services: The Board of Review met earlier and finished up a few items related to property assessments.
Public Service Department: None
Report: 1) Has been working on
updating the zoning forms. 2) Spoke
about the building department that will be opening in January.
Public Officials: Dimondale Village manager Danielle Tiedeman spoke on the downtown decoration contest and encouraged everyone to vote on their favorite lamp post.
Other Reports & Announcements:
Barnhart-Smith reported that the Geotechnical Exploration was received this afternoon for Harvest Park Road with recommendations.
Gardner moved and VanElls seconded to appoint
Gardner and VanElls to form an insurance committee to get price quotes for
comparison for the upcoming 2025/2026 insurance renewal. Motion carried
Assistant Chief William Fabijancic Jr. suggested opening discussion on updating Emergency Services Supplemental Rules and Regulations to address issues with denial of burning permits and mobile cooking operations.
Barnhart-Smith moved and VanElls seconded to
amend the 2024 Budget; increasing Insurance and Bonds $200 to cover ACV
insurance on the 9136 Bridge Highway Property. A friendly amendment was made by Shaw to also
increase the budget by $1000 to cover the weatherization of the 9136 Bridge
Highway property as well. Motion
carried unanimously.
Hear Public Present for Agenda Items: Public comment heard.
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Pray moved and VanElls seconded to approve the 2025 Holiday Policy
Resolution No. 24-011 as written.
Roll Call was taken.
Motion carried unanimously.
moved and Myers seconded to approve the 2025 Meeting Resolution No. 24-012 as
Roll Call was taken.
carried unanimously.
moved and Myers seconded to approve the 2025 Fees Resolution No. 24-013 as
Roll Call was taken.
carried unanimously.
Rumsey made a motion and VanElls seconded to Appoint Pray
to the Planning Board.
The library lease was discussed focusing on the lease agreement, building maintenance and appropriations. There was a proposal to reword the lease to include only the rent and building maintenance. An extension to the lease agreement was discussed to allow time for finalizing paperwork
Shaw made a motion and Rumsey
seconded the Dorthy Hull Library Board reword the Proposed Rental Agreement for
office Space at 405 W. Jefferson St. Dimondale, MI. to remove any appropriations,
a later agreement may be made and any compensation to the township for the
Clerk. To include just the annual rent in
the amount of $8000.00, along with the building maintenance funds of $4,860.00.
Motion carried unanimously.
Shaw made an amendment this motion and Myer seconded to remove the $4860.00 in building maintenance funds and verbiage from the Proposed Rental Agreement.
Motion carried unanimously
Shaw made a motion and VanElls
seconded to amend the 2024 Budget to include $4860.00 for building maintenance on
the library. To be paid to them in
December 2024.
Motion carried unanimously
Hear Public Present on any subject: None
With no further business Supervisor Shaw adjourned the meeting at 8:07 pm.
Meredith Barnhart-Smith
Windsor Charter Township Clerk