Amendment to the Resolution Approving the 2025 Budget

Resolution No. 24-008


WHEREAS, the Township Board is committed to ensuring that the 2025 budget aligns with the strategic priorities and operational needs of the Windsor Charter Township; and

WHEREAS, additional input from stakeholders has identified areas requiring increased or reallocated funding to better serve the community;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Township Board approves the following amendments to the 2025 Budget Resolution 24-008:

  1. To include the Building Department in the resolution and Resolution No. 24-008 to read:



“Whereas, In Accordance with Section 4.2.4 of Public Act 359 of 1947, as amended, the Supervisor has prepared itemized budgets and presented same to the Township Board for study; and Whereas, the proposed budgets were presented at a Public Hearing held on October 22, 2024 at which time there was general approval;

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Windsor Charter Township Board does hereby adopt the General Fund Budget for a total appropriation    $2,832,985.00      ; Public Improvement appropriation of      $0.00   ; Street Lights for a total appropriation of     $74,300.00      , Fire Hydrant for a total appropriation of $12,800.00; River Rock Landing      $1,015.00          ; Building Department for a total appropriation of $133,212 expenditures.

Further, Be It Resolved that the amounts set forth in these budgets be hereby appropriated.”




A Roll-Call was taken:

Myers:       Yea                        Rumsey:    Absent                   Shaw:   Yea         Gardner:      Yea     

Pray:          Yea                        VanElls:  Yea               Barnhart-Smith:   Yea 

YEAS:   6       NAYS:   0      ABSENT:   1    


Date Adopted:     January 14, 2025