JANUARY 28, 2024 – 7:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Supervisor Shaw with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Shaw, Myers, Rumsey, Pray, Barnhart-Smith, Gardner and Vanells
Absent: None
moved and Barnhart-Smith seconded to amend the agenda, to include the
appointment of a Township Board member to Sewer Board to New Business. Carried
unanimously. Myers moved and Gardner seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Myers moved and Rumsey seconded to approve
the minutes of the previous meeting as written.
Motion carried unanimously.
Sheriff’s Report: None
Planning Commission: Scheduled for the next Planning Commission meeting 2/12/2025 are (2) Special Use Permits The Tarrington Group and Billie & Gary Fish.
Sewer Board: Next meeting is scheduled for February 12, 2025 to approve the budget.
Emergency Service Department: Chief Miller reported: 1) Significant runs since last meeting, many weather related. 2) Working on implementing the use of the new Lifepack 35s. February 18th has been scheduled for training. 3) AARP will be doing income taxes in the meeting room again this year 4) VanElls moved and Myers seconded to allow Joe Pironello to change from full time EMT to Paid on call/ part time firefighter / EMT. Motion carried unanimously.
Assessor/Preston Community Services: 1) The assessment roll is being prepared for review by February 14 and mailing by February 21. 2) The March Board of Review is scheduled for March 10-11. 3) Building Department has been working on permits. 4) Permit pricing is under review, with potential changes in March.
Public Service Department: None
Supervisor’s Report: 1) Zoning referrals and permits are ongoing. 2) The Grand Point Water Project is awaiting grant funding. 3) Met with the Village of Dimondale and the Sewer Board. 4) Meeting with The Coalition Against Bigger Trucks to obtain more information. 5) Reported that Eaton County did issue a Demo Permit for the Fireside Grill. 6) Went out to the Bridge Street property found a window open, State Police will be providing No Trespassing signs specifically for municipally owned buildings.
Public Officials: Jacob Toomey, District 10 County Commissioner spoke on the Resolution for Countywide Public Safety Milage Proposition Resolution# 24-12-135.
Other Reports & Announcements:
Hear Public Present for Agenda Items: Heard
Unfinished Business: None
Rumsey moved and Pray seconded, approve Resolution
25-003 approving the addition of Michigan Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities
Systems as an approved investment option.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Myers, Gardner, Barnhart-Smith,
Shaw, Rumsey, Pray, and VanElls
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried unanimously.
Greg Dilone from Interstate Capital presented a proposal
for developing speculative buildings at 6180 Nixon Road Charlotte, MI 48813 off
Lansing Road. Concerns from the Board about traffic, environmental impact, and
community awareness were raised.
VanElls moved and Gardner seconded to
accept the Windsor Charter Township Committee List 2025 as written. Motion carried unanimously.
Barnhart-Smith moved and Rumsey seconded, to appoint Beth
Shaw to the Sewer Board for the remainder of the current term ending July 2025.
carried unanimously.
Shaw moved and Rumsey seconded to remove Kern Slucter
from the Sewer Board due to Clause #5 Administration on page 2 of the Utilities
Agreement for Sanitary Sewer Between the Village of Dimondale and Windsor
Charter Township that states “…there shall be
at least one member of each of the legislative bodies of the Village and
township appointed to the Board.”. Motion carried unanimously.
Hear Public Present on any subject: Public comment heard.
With no further business Supervisor Shaw adjourned the meeting at 8:09 pm.
Meredith Barnhart-Smith
Windsor Charter Township Clerk