FEBRUARY 11, 2025 – 7:00 PM



The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Shaw with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present:  Shaw, Rumsey, Pray, Barnhart-Smith, and VanElls

Absent: Myers and Gardner


Barnhart-Smith moved, and VanElls seconded amending the agenda by adding the Dorothy Hull Library lease under Unfinished Business. The motion carried unanimously. Barnhart-Smith moved, and VanElls seconded approving the amended agenda. The motion carried unanimously. 


Barnhart-Smith moved, and Pray seconded to approve the Consent Agenda.  The motion carried unanimously.


The General Fund consists of Voucher #35809 through Voucher #35896, equaling $215,164.90, plus digital transfers and payments of $1,454.25, for a Grand Total of $216,619.15.


Payroll Report consisting of Voucher #42682 through #42688 and Direct Deposit #DD5542 through #DD5612 plus digital payments for a Grand Total of $95,205.65.





Sheriff’s Report:  None. 


     Planning Commission: Two public hearings for special use permits are scheduled for tomorrow night. Attendees were advised to check Facebook and the Township website for updates in case of inclement weather.


     Sewer Board: There has been no meeting since the last Board meeting, and Thursday’s meeting has been canceled.


     Emergency Service Department:  Chief Miller reported:  1) Phil reported on emergency services activities, including 76 calls since the last meeting and significant incidents. 2) The acquisition of new cardiac monitors and training has been scheduled. New cardiac monitors are to be in service by February 20, 2025.  They look forward to demonstrating for the Board at the March Meeting.


Assessor/Preston Community Services:  1) The assessor reported on upcoming deadlines and the process for the board review, including accepting letters and scheduling appointments for the March Board of Review.  2) Discussion collaboration with Consumers Energy and the Board of Water and Light for ongoing projects. 3) The Building Department is continuing to review the fee schedule.



Public Service Department:  1) No new burials. 2) A lot of time just keeping up with the weather.


Supervisor’s Report:  1) She has spent time on property complaints regarding blight. We have received several complaints about zoning violations and dangerous buildings and are investigating these matters.  She is working on a letter to be sent out to those residents.  2)  Collaborating with Consumers Energy on a new site. 3) Has been working with the Board of Water and Light on advancing the Grand Pointe Water project.


Public Officials:  None


 Other Reports & Announcements:  None


Hear Public Present for Agenda Items:  None


Unfinished Business:  

Dorothy Hull / Windsor Township Library. The office lease agreement between Dorothy Hull Library and Windsor Township, including rent, maintenance responsibilities, and a cap on expenses for urgent repairs, was discussed.

Shaw moved, and Rumsey seconded that the lease agreement between Dorothy Hull Library and Windsor Township be amended to include the library being allowed to spend a maximum of $500.00 (Townships 1/4 portion) on urgent repairs with the approval of two Board Members. Any costs exceeding this amount shall require approval from the Township Board, with a cap of $5000.00.  Shaw moved Barnhart-Smith seconded for a friendly amendment to the motion; The library must provide at least six months' written notice before terminating the lease agreement.

The motion carried unanimously. The motion was adopted.


New Business:

Lume Cannabis Company applied for an excess grow application, noting no changes in ownership or operations since the last submittal. They were found to be compliant. Barnhart-Smith moved, and Shaw seconded, to approve the Excess Grow Permit for Lume Cannabis.

Ayes:  Barnhart-Smith, Shaw, Rumsey, Pray and VanElls

Nays:  None

The motion carried unanimously.


A review of the Resolution to Adopt Poverty Exemption Eligibility Requirements, Income Standards/Asset Test, and Application 25-004 for 2025 was conducted. The eligible income and maximum asset standards were examined. Barnhart-Smith offered and Pray supported the approval of Resolution 25-004 to Adopt Poverty Exemption Eligibility Requirements, Income Standards/Asset Test, and Application for 2025.

Ayes:  Barnhart-Smith, Shaw, Rumsey, Pray and VanElls

Nays:  None

Motion carried unanimously; Resolution adopted.


Hear Public Present on any subject:  Public comment heard.


With no further business, Supervisor Shaw adjourned the meeting at 7:32 pm.


                                                                                    Meredith Barnhart-Smith

                                                                                    Windsor Charter Township Clerk