Chairperson Holtz called the regular meeting of the Windsor Charter Township Planning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m.


Present: Holtz, Johnson, Sabourin, Pray, Bowen, and Pisano

Absent: Fabijancic

Also Present:  Planning Consultant Pete Preston, Asst Chief Fabijancic, Supervisor Shaw, and Clerk Barnhart-Smith


Johnson moved, and Pisano seconded to approve the agenda as written.  Motion carried unanimously

Pray moved, and Bowen seconded to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as written. Motion carried unanimously.


Chairperson Holtz called to order a public hearing for Bille and Gary Fish's “Fish Pond Daycare” at 3201 N. Michigan Road Special Use Permit request. Bille Fish spoke on behalf of herself and her current daycare and explained she was seeking a Special Use Permit to evolve her current daycare to a group daycare by obtaining a license through the State of Michigan. Chairperson Holtz called for questions from the public, with none, he noted the Planning Commission had received one letter from Jennifer Roberts and one from Martha Drumheller in favor of granting the Special Use Permit.


With no comments or questions from the public, Chairperson Holtz closed the public hearing for 3201 N. Michigan Road Group Daycare Special Use Permit at 7:06 pm.


Chairperson Holtz called to order a public hearing on The Tarrington Group's Special Use Permit request at 612 S. Creyts Road.


Mr. Hamilton spoke on behalf of the Tarrington Group and said they were filing this Special Use Permit to gain permission to use the building as a church.


Barbara Mason, 6835 Lansdown Drive, asked for a little more clarification. Mr. Hamilton said they were planning church-related activities: the craft show during the holidays, weddings, baby showers, bridal showers, funerals, Bible study, service, and open prayer hours.


Austin Robinson, 9453 Billwood Highway, He understood that the application was predicated on a lease with a church organization called the One Sanctum of God; when he went looking for that particular entity, the only thing he could find was an ecumenical corporation. He could not find any information on a church building, services, location, doctrine, or anything of that nature. He wondered how an entity that doesn’t appear to have any functional operation would run a church at this site. Jonathan Lewis, the director of One Sanctum of God, stated that the One Sanctum of God has been around for 40 years in Jackson, Michigan, and is open to all faiths and plans to utilize those facilities.


Beth Cowles, 9955 Donegal, stated that the Tarrington is in her backyard.  Since they have occupied the building, the number of vehicles coming and going has dwindled. She wanted to know if any studies have been done regarding crime in that area because she believes it has decreased since they made the improvements. She considers it a tremendous asset because there haven’t been as many cars meeting up there as they did. She thinks it looks great.  


Norm Wightman, 6770 Creyts, believes they have done a great job bringing the building back.


Barbra Roberts-Mason, 6835 Lansdown Drive: When the Tarrington took over the building, they did outreach to the community; she was told it would be used for a wedding planning facility when they came to her house. A church was not part of the discussion.  She feels when it was natural brick, it blended into the community, and now that it is painted white, it clashes with all the other buildings in the area, and the metal roof reflects in her house. She feels the neighbors should have been aware of the physical changes before they were made.


Laurin Thomas, 6840 Lansdown Drive, was initially concerned when they told her it would be an event center and that the late nights would be in her backyard. So, she was pleased to find out it would be a church instead.


Austin Robinson, 9453 Billwood Highway, asked if the property is currently zoned residential.  He understood it would be an event center. He asked if the Planning Commission could approve a Special Permit if it is zoned residential and there is not really a functional church there.  Alexandre Stratilatov, the attorney for Tarrington Group Properties, said the building ordinance provides special uses for assembly buildings in residential areas under the same section as religious use. But to be clear, my client intends to use the building as a church and to conduct religious activities there.


James and Sandra Heany at 6672 Creyts Rd is in favor of granting the Special Use Permit.

Ken Burt, 6712 Creyts Road, commented that they have put up a lot of lighting. He was told they would put up a gate out front. Mr. Hamilton said there is a plan to do that.


Michael Thomas, 6840 Lansdown Drive, believes that they have done a tremendous job but wishes they had considered the view before erecting the privacy fence. He is also concerned about where the smoke from the fire pit will go. Mr. Hamilton responded that they intend to add landscaping to the fence and that it is actually 12 or 13 feet off the property line. The patio closes at 9 p.m.; any event after that would be inside.


Don Mann, 6690 Lansdown Drive, said he doesn’t think you can have a better neighbor than a church. Over the past 50 years, he can only remember twice when overflow parking was a problem. He is in favor of the improvements; he doesn’t believe a church service on Sunday will be disruptive, but a reception could be, so he believes there should be an agreement to set limits for noise and how long they will be operating into the night.


Beth Cowles, 9955 Donegal Drive, wondered if the church before had to abide by ordinances as well, like what time they had to be out, or if any other churches in town did.


Don Mann, 6690 Lansdown Drive, continued by saying he believes churches are wonderful neighbors and hopes this one will be, too. He shared that during their visit, he was told all parties would have rules to abide by, and he would be monitoring the lessees.


Audrey McKinney, 6720 Lansdown Drive. She is happy with all that has been done. She has concerns about cooking at the edge of the parking lot; she is worried about what will happen to that field if the grass catches a spark. Mr. Hamilton offered that they have a set area for cooking outside, and he wasn’t aware that this had occurred.


Barbara Mason, 6835 Lansdown Drive, would like the township to look at the hours of use beyond 9 pm in a neighborhood that is excessive.  This differs from the United Methodist Church there because it was only Sunday morning and gone by the afternoon. They are talking about an event center different from just a church.   Mr. Hamilton said that the previous church also had weddings and receptions.  The shut-off time for music is 11 pm, and everyone must stay inside after 9 pm.   They had a wedding in September 2024. Before they knew they had to have a Special Use Permit for a church because it was 86 degrees, they had all the windows and doors open.  He also said they were all there and walking the entire property to ensure the noise was acceptable. They plan on having a/c installed, so the windows and doors won’t be open; with the size of the structure and all the brick and wood, the building is very sound-damping. Mr. Hamilton, his wife, and his parents will be at all the events as a family, ensuring everything stays in line. 


Beth Shaw, 9878 McCabe Drive, identified herself as an adjacent property owner and the current Township Supervisor. In viewing the website for the Tarrington venue, it seems the Tarrington Group is asking for two different things here: to use the property as a church and a venue. Mr. Hamilton responded, “No, we’re not. It is all one.”  Ms. Shaw continued that it’s the Tarrington Group on the application, not One Sanctum of God.  Mr. Hamilton said the One Sanctum of God is leasing the Tarrington building, which is also the venue's name.  Supervisor Shaw said on the website it states that the capacity is 225.  As a supervisor, I have assessed the parking situation. From a fire standpoint, there are estimated 45 regular parking spots and two handicapped spots."   If your capacity does come out to 225. How will you handle parking for events? Because most weddings tend to have more couples and fewer families, if your event has 100 couples, that is 100 vehicles, and you have 48 spots, where will the remainder of people park?  Mr. Hamilton said they roped off grass areas for parking for their first wedding. Weddings average two and a half people per car, with an estimated 48 parking spots. There is also a long driveway and plenty of grass for parking.  Supervisor Shaw expressed her concern that if a mishap occurred during an event, the Emergency Services needed to be able to have access, and there needed to be a certain amount of ingress and egress for our emergency vehicles. Mr. Hamilton stated there will be no blocking of the driveway, as they have fire lanes for that.


With no more comments or questions from the public, Chairperson Holtz closed the public hearing for The Tarrington Group's Special Use Permit request at 612 S. Creyts Road at 7:46 p.m.



Township Board: Since the last Planning meeting, the Board has approved the Library Lease, Poverty Exemption, and Prepayment of the Potter Drain at large.

            Board of Appeals: None

Board of Review: The public hearings were on 3/10 and 3/11, and they will meet to wrap up soon.

            Reports & Announcements: None


Hear Public Present on Agenda Items: None



Pray moved, and Sabourin seconded to retain the same Officers to the Planning Commission: Brian Holtz as Chairperson, Fran Johnson as Vice Chairperson, and Sandra Pray as Secretary. The Motion carried unanimously.


A site plan review of Canfield Equipment located at 6842 Lansing Rd. Charlotte, MI 48813 Section 9, Windsor Charter Township Parcel ID # 080-009-300-062-00 080-009-300-094-01 was presented to the Commission.  Holtz moved, and Bowen seconded to approve the final site plan to construct a 39750-square-foot structure for outfitting commercial vehicles. In addition to the structure, a fenced vehicle storage lot that is approximately 150,000-sf (345’ by 420’) in size, and as legally described in Section 9, Windsor Charter Township Parcel ID # 080-009-300-062-00 080-009-300-094-01 based on the following reasoning and conditions:  Reasoning:  1) Subject to the conditions provided below, it is found that the proposed development generally meets the general standards as provided for M-1 District and site development requirements set forth under Section 5.8-A.3.  Conditions:  1) Provide dimensions between structures and property lines, as well as between use areas (vehicle storage lot) and property lines. Setbacks are met, but information is nonetheless required. 2) Provide fencing height and type surrounding vehicle storage lot. 3) Additional review may be required to ascertain compliance with landscaping and buffering requirements, especially as it concerns the vehicle storage lot and residential use to the south. Page 3 of 6 Adjacent property to the east is zoned A-1, and pursuant to Section 6.9.3, Table 1, a landscape buffer yard “A” must be maintained along the lot line. Property to the east is also zoned M-1, and the applicant is not required to maintain a landscape buffer yard as described in Section 6.9.3, Table 1 of the Ordinance. Note that the A-1 zoned property is similarly utilized to the M-1 zoned property; therefore, no buffering should be required now. 4) An existing driveway approach to Lansing Rd currently accesses the site. The applicant proposes a curb cut to be approved by MDOT along Lansing Rd. in the same or similar location. MDOT requires review and approval. 5) The following items should be added to a plan sheet and provided to the Emergency Services Department within 30 days after the Planning Commission's approval. 6) The property owner or designated representative ensures the general contractor receives and reviews the approved Final Site Plans. 5) The building cannot be occupied until the WTES inspections have been completed. 6) The facility should be made available for a tour by the Emergency Services Department personnel.  7) The Emergency Services Department will receive a complete set of final construction plans before occupancy to assist in fire preplanning.

Roll Call:

Ayes:  Holtz, Johnson, Pray, Bowen, Sabourin and Pisano

Nays:  None

Absent:  Fabijancic

Motion Carried.



Pray moved, and Johnson seconded to recommend to the Windsor Charter Township Board approval of the petitioned Special Land Use Permit to use the existing single-family residential structure and property for the purposes of a group daycare home, as legally described in Section 5 of Windsor Charter Township (Parent Parcel Tax ID#: 080-026-400-077-00). The Motion carried unanimously.


Holtz moved, and Sabourin seconded to table action on the petitioned Special Land Use Permit by the Tarrington Group, an application for the use of land and structure for religious purposes and an event facility venue on the property as legally described in Section 10 (Parcel Tax ID#: 080-010-200-040-02) based on the following reasoning: 1). Additional information is necessary to determine compliance with the Ordinance. 2). Additional information is required to determine if the petitioned special land use meets the general standards as provided for in Article VIII of the Ordinance. 3). Additional information is required to determine if the petitioned site plan meets the general standards as provided for R-1B District and site development requirements set forth under Section 5.8-A.3 and Sections 6.8.9 of the Ordinance. 4). Additional review by legal counsel regarding the specific uses applied for under the special use permit provisions of the Ordinance. The Motion carried unanimously




Holtz moved, and Sabourin seconded to un-table Tarrington Group Special Use Permit for further discussion.  Motion carried unanimously.  After additional discussion was held for clarity, Holtz moved and Pray seconded to re-table action on the petitioned Special Land Use Permit by the Tarrington Group, an application for the use of land and structure for religious purposes and an event facility venue on property as legally described in Section 10 (Parcel Tax ID#: 080-010-200-040-02) based on the following reasoning: 1). Additional information is necessary to determine compliance with the Ordinance. 2). Additional information is required to determine if the petitioned special land use meets the general standards as provided for in Article VIII of the Ordinance. 3). Additional information is required to determine if the petitioned site plan meets the general standards as provided for R-1B District and site development requirements set forth under Section 5.8-A.3 and Sections 6.8.9 of the Ordinance. 4). Additional review by legal counsel regarding the specific uses applied for under the special use permit provisions of the Ordinance. 5) The facility will be made available for a tour by the WTES. 6) The Planning Commission is provided with a complete site plan. Motion carried unanimously.


With no further business, Chairperson Holtz adjourned the meeting at 7:58 pm.


                                                                                    Meredith Barnhart-Smith, Clerk

                                                                                    Windsor Charter Township