Supervisor Shaw called to order the Meeting at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Shaw, Rumsey, Barnhart-Smith, Myers, Pray and Gardner
Absent: VanElls
Rumsey moved and Barnhart-Smith
seconded to approve the agenda as written.
Motion carried unanimously.
Barnhart-Smith moved and Pray
seconded to approve the Consent Agenda.
Motion carried unanimously.
The General Fund consists of Voucher #35897 through Voucher #35933,
which equals $98,444.09, plus digital transfers and payments of $3621.02, for a
Grand Total of $102,065.11
Payroll Report consisting of Voucher #42689 through #42697 and
Direct Deposit #DD5613 through #DD5683 plus digital payments for a Grand Total
of $88,600.41.
Sheriff’s Report:
Planning Commission: 1) Two
Public Hearings are scheduled for March 12th regarding SUPs for The Tarrington
and Billie & Gary Fish, with the latter involving a daycare.
Sewer Board: None
Emergency Service
Department: Chief Miller reported: 1) Significant runs were described. 2) Reviewed the August 2023 storm damage and
a reimbursement of $37,472.00 from the State of Michigan.
Assessor/Preston Community
Services: Beth Shaw spoke on Board of Review and
finalizing tax rolls.
Public Service Department: None
Supervisor’s Report: The
supervisor 1) Has been seeking grant funding for several projects. 2) Spoke on
the Windsor Estates Fire. 3) A meeting with Consumers Energy and the adjacent
property owners concerning drainage easements is scheduled. 3) Mentioned that
the Building Department should have a fee schedule to review soon.
Public Officials: Ralph Reznick, President of the Village of Dimondale, invited the public to a Tri-County Trail Plan meeting on April 21st, 2025, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church in Dimondale to discuss a potential extension to the Dimondale area.
Other Reports & Announcements: None
Hear Public Present for
Agenda Items: None
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
Discussion was held on the current Potter Drain project. Windsor Township’s portion of the estimated
cost on this drain project is $12,193.00. The Drain Commission has requested
confirmation, on whether the Township would be willing to prepay all or a
portion of the At-Large amount. If the Township
prepays, it will result in a reduction in fees associated with obtaining
financing, lower interest rates, and in turn, reduces the drain assessment cost
to our residents. Also, it would save
the Township in interest fees. Pray
moved and Gardner seconded to prepay the 2025 Windsor Township’s Drain At-Large
on the Potter Drain project for the estimated of $12,193.00. Motion carried unanimously.
Rumsey moved, and Barnhart-Smith seconded, to increase the Drain at
Large portion of the 2025 Budget by $12,193.00. The motion carried unanimously.
Hear Public Present on any subject:
Former Supervisor and Trustee Kern Slucter thanked the Township Board and the residents of Windsor Township for the Special Tribute he received from the State of Michigan for his service to our community. The Tribute was signed by State Representative Angela Witwer, State Senator Sarah Anthony, Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist and Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
Dan Kamphuis spoke on REU’s and property in the township he previously owned.
With no further business, Supervisor Shaw adjourned the meeting at 7:40 pm.
Meredith Barnhart-Smith, Clerk
Windsor Charter Township